Join up and join in. We have business meetings on the third Monday of every other month, and frequent mixers hosted by our Mercant Access Program. Both meetings and mixers offer downtown residents opportunities to voice issues and concerns to Metro Nashville government, as well as hear the latest news on city development, planning, and safety. Plus, it's a great time to meet new friends and neighbors who share the urban living experience. Meeting and mixer locations may change from month to month so visit this site often and see what's happening in the heart of downtown Nashville.
Current URA members receive reminder notifications via email and social media the week before each event. Every year, membership and event attendance has grown, proving that Nashville's new wave of downtown dwellers are dedicated to proactive community involvement to enhance and protect their investments.
Anyone who lives in downtown Nashville can join the Nashville Urban Residents Association. If you rent or own inside the downtown interstate loop, you’re one of us! Not only are you a potential member of the URA, but your significant other and all household residents can joint too.
Also, downtown business owners, individuals who work downtown or others with an interest in our association can join as an Associate Member.